joi, 5 februarie 2009

We're gonna be in the Hudson

Autoritatea Aeronautica Federala Americana (FAA) a dat publicitatii inregistrarea audio a convorbirilor radio intre aeronava Airbus 320 care efectua cursa 1549 a companiei US Airways si controlorul de trafic aerian de la TRACON - un serviciu radar care coordoneaza DEPARTURE de pe aeroportul LaGuardia. Convorbirile redau momentul raportului despre pierderea puterii la ambele motoare in urma unui bird strike si incercarea de directionare a aeronavei spre aeroportul Teterboro din New Jersey. Incercarea e nereusita si auzim apoi cum controlorul incearca sa directioneze aeronavele din CTR pentru a elibera zona avionului care a intampinat situatia de urgenta. In cele din urma, TRACON pierde contactul cu zborul 1549.

Iar aici puteti asculta discutia dintre controlorul de trafic si echipele de la SAR (Search & Rescue). Impresionant este calmul cu care au actionat oamenii aia intr-o situatie limita.

Iata si transcrierea convorbirilor de pe banda:

3:27:32 New York TRACON: "Cactus 1549, turn left heading 2-7-0."

3:27:36 Flight 1549: "Ah, this, uh, Cactus 1539. Hit birds, we lost thrust in both engines. We're turning back towards LaGuardia."

3:27:42 New York TRACON: "OK, yea, you need to return to Laguardia. Turn left heading of uh, 2-2-0."

3:27:46 Flight 1549: 2-2-0.

3:27:49 New York TRACON: "Tower, stop your departures. We got an emergency returning."

3:27:53 LaGuardia "Who is it?"

3:27:54 New York TRACON: "It's 1529, he ah, bird strike. He lost all engines. He lost the thrust in the engines. He is returning immediately."

3:27:59 LaGuardia: "Cactus 1529, which engine?"

3:28:01 New York TRACON: "He lost thrust in both engines, he said."

3:28:03 LaGuardia: "Got it."

3:28:05 New York TRACON: "Cactus 1529, if we can get it to you, do you want to try to land runway 1-3?"

3:28:11 Flight 1549: "We're unable. We may end up in the Hudson."

3:28:17 New York TRACON: "Jet Link 2760, turn left 0-7-0."

3:28:19 Jet Link 2760: "Left turn, 0-7-0 Jet Link 2760."

3:28:31 New York TRACON: "Alright cactus 1549. It's going to be a left. Traffic to runway 3-1."

3:28:34 Flight 1549: "Unable."

3:28:36 New York TRACON: "OK, what do you need to land?"

3:28:46 New York TRACON: "Cactus 1549, runway four is available if you want to make left traffic to runway four."

3:28:50 Flight 1549: "I am not sure if we can make runway. Oh, what's that over to our right? Anything in New Jersey, maybe Teterboro?"

3:28:55 New York TRACON: "OK yea, off to your right is Teterboro airport."

3:29:02 New York TRACON: "Do you want to try and go to Teterboro?"

3:29:03 Flight 1549: "Yes."

3:29:05 New York TRACON: "Teterboro, uh, empire actually. LaGuardia departure got an emergency inbound.

3:29:10 Teterboro: "OK, go ahead."

3:29:11 New York TRACON: "Cactus 1529, Over the George Washington Bridge want to go to the airport right now."

3:29:14 Teterboro: "He wants to go to our airport check. Does he need any assistance?"

3:29:17 New York TRACON: "Ah, yes, he, ah, was a bird strike. Can I get him in for runway one?"

3:29:19 Teterboro: "Runway one, that's good."

3:29:21 New York TRACON: "Cactus 1529, turn right 2-8-0, you can land runway one at Teterboro."

3:29:25 Flight 1549: "We can't do it."

3:29:26 New York TRACON: "OK, which runway would you like at Teterboro?"

3:29:28 Flight 1549: "We're gonna be in the Hudson."

3:29:33 New York TRACON: "I'm sorry, say again, Cactus."

3:29:41 New York TRACON: "Jetlink, 2760, contact New York. O-2-6 point 8.

3:29:45 Jet Link 2760: "20-6-8 Jet Link 2760."

3:29:51 New York TRACON: "Cactus, ah, cactus 1549, radar contact is lost. You also got Newark airport off your two o'clock and about seven miles."

3:30:06 New York TRACON: Eagle flight 4718, turn left heading 2-1-0.

3:30:09 Eagle Flight 4718: "2-1-0, um, 4718. I don't know, I think he said he was going in the Hudson."

3:30:14 New York TRACON: "Cactus 1529, uh, you still on?"

3:30:22 New York TRACON: "Cactus 1529, if you can, ah, you got, ah, runway 2-9 available at Newark off your two o'clock and seven miles."

3:30:32 New York TRACON: "Eagle flight 4718, climb and maintain one two thousand."

3:30:34 Eagle flight 4718 "OK, 1-2 thousand and, ah, leaving 5 and 280 heading."

3:30:41 New York TRACON: "And Eagle flight 4718, I"m sorry, I missed that, say again."

3:30:45 Eagle Flight 4718: "And uh, we're up to 12,000, uh, 280 on the heading."

3:30:48 New York TRACON: "OK, thank you Eagle flight 4718, Turn left. 2-2-0."

3:30:51 Eagle Flight 4718 "2-2-0 4718."

3:31:30 Unknown: "Was that cactus up by the Tappan Zee?"

3:31:32 New York TRACON: "Uh, yeah, it was a cactus. He was just north of the, ah, George Washington Bridge when they had the bird strike."


Iata aici toate inregistrarile puse la dispozitie publicului pe site-ul FAA.

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